Clio Bay: Links and Documents

Links and documents relating to sunken logs and site remediation

Note many, not all, external links are to pdf files.


DFO study of sunken log sites in Douglas Channel

DFO Study Dissolved oxygen cycle in Minette Bay

Impact of Wood debris in British Columbia estuaries

Chris Picard’s study of Clio and Eagle Bays as posted on the University of Laval website

United States


Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation

Environmental Protection Agency

Ketchikan Paper Company
This is the EPA Web site on the Ward Cove cleanup and remediation with numerous documents.

EPA capping guidance
EPA contaminated sediment capping guidance

US Army Corps of Engineers

US Army Corps of Engineers capping guidance


Alaska log site remediation guide  (pdf)

EPA study of dissolved oxygen in Ward Cove (pdf)

Marine Log Transfer Facilities and Wood Waste (pdf)

Academic paper by Ward Cove consultants Geramano & Associates on sediments in Ward Cove and Thorne  Bay, Alaska.

Ward Cove Sediment Remediation Project Revisited

Academic paper by Ward Cove consultants Integral Consulting


 Other Links

Kitimat LNG (KM LNG)


Stantec remediation project page

Integral Consulting

Integral Consulting Ward Cove web page


Exponent Ward Cove web page

Exponent LNG Safety web page

Germano & Associates

(Note not all documents used in this report are available online. Some sent to NWCEN are too large to upload)


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